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Cabinet secretariat DFO Work profile (DFO Interview)


Deputy field officer (DFO)       RAW

A DFO is a designation used in various contexts, including government agencies, intelligence organizations, and law enforcement entities. The role and responsibilities of a Deputy Field Officer can vary depending on the specific organization and country. Generally, a DFO is responsible for tasks such as intelligence collection, analysis, and field operations. Here is a general overview of the role of a Deputy Field Officer:

They are involved in gathering information and intelligence from various sources, including human intelligence (HUMINT), signals intelligence (SIGINT), and OSINT. They may conduct interviews, monitor communications, analyze data, and utilize other means to gather intelligence.

They often engage in field operations to collect information, conduct surveillance, or carry out specific tasks related to intelligence gathering. This can involve covert activities, physical surveillance, or operational tasks to support national security objectives.

Once information is collected, DFOs analyze and evaluate it to extract meaningful insights. They assess the credibility and reliability of sources, identify patterns, and produce intelligence reports that contribute to decision-making processes.

They may be involved in counter intelligence efforts, which focus on identifying and countering threats from foreign intelligence agencies, espionage, or other illicit activities. They work to protect sensitive information, detect potential threats, and implement measures to safeguard national security interests.

They often collaborate with other intelligence agencies, law enforcement entities, and security organizations. They share intelligence, coordinate operations, and contribute to joint efforts aimed at addressing national security challenges.

Depending on the organization and the nature of the role, DFOs may be assigned to specialized tasks such as counterterrorism, cybersecurity, organized crime, or other areas of national security concern. These assignments may require additional training, expertise, and a higher level of responsibility.




Deputy field officer cabinet secretariat is a useful position in the Research and Analysis Wing, also known as RAW. Following a rigorous selection process, you will most likely be placed in a year-long training programme during which you will be expected to learn the various techniques involved in the profession.

DFO (tele) is primarily a technical position in which he is responsible for operating all wireless systems in such a way that they are inaccessible to RAW working in other nations. As a result, the system's secrecy is critical.

According to the norms of the central government, you may be sent to a foreign assignment.

Deputy field officer cabinet secretariat job profile is posting in R&AW. To be a Deputy Field Officer Cabinet Secretariat 

 one should qualify SSC at CGL level in Assistant Rank and then too a lot of verification both by LIU as well as IB is done. Local Police's verification is not consider worthy enough. Deputy Field Officer is a non-gazted Group B officer and after promotion the applicant become Senior Field Officer which is a gazted Group B officer deputy field officer.

DFO is a position that can exist in various organizations and sectors, and the specific job profile can vary widely depending on the context. Without a specific organization or industry in mind, I can provide a general understanding of the role of a Deputy field officer:

A Deputy field officer typically assists and supports a higher-ranking officer or manager in their duties and responsibilities. They may act as a second-in-command and provide support in various areas such as operations, administration, or project management.

Deputy field officers often play a crucial role in coordinating and executing operational activities within their designated area. They may assist in planning, organizing, and overseeing tasks, ensuring efficient workflow and adherence to established protocols.

Deputy field officers may be involved in decision-making processes, providing input and analysis to assist higher-ranking officers in making informed choices. They help identify and solve problems, analyze data, and offer recommendations based on their expertise and knowledge of the organization.

Deputy field officers often serve as a liaison between different departments or teams within the organization. They ensure information flow, and coordinate efforts to achieve organizational objectives.

Depending on the organization, Deputy field officers may be responsible for supervising and leading a team of staff members. This involves providing guidance, assigning tasks, monitoring progress, and promoting teamwork and collaboration.

Deputy field officers may assist in implementing organizational policies, procedures, and guidelines. They ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, monitor adherence to established standards, and propose improvements when necessary.

Deputy field officer often interact with internal and external stakeholders, such as clients, partners, or government agencies. They build and maintain relationships, address concerns, and represent the organization's interests.